
Museo Guggenheim, Bilbao, Spain and Vitra Design Foundation, Weil am Rhein, Germany


Traveling Exhibition: Riehen, Switzerland; Bilbao, Spain; Wolfsburg, Germany




  • For the ArchiSculpture Exhibition, a model was to be built of the Cenotaph of Isaac Newton by French neoclassical architect Etienne-Louis Boullée.
  • A simple model in shades of white should accentuate the huge dimensions and the unusual style of this building design.

My solutions

  • With few photos and plans to work from, I develop the concept for the model in small steps.
  • I divide the building into millable single parts that can be sanded and sprayed white afterwards.
  • As with the building, I create the green hedges that run around the hall on three levels out of polyurethane resin plates. This way the historical reconstruction appears to be made from one cast. I achieve an authentic, fresh look for the hedge by free-hand cutting on the band saw.

Fabrication process

CNC- und manual processing

In cooperation with

Eggimann Holzfertigung, Ramsei, Switzerland